14:09 Transport of short lived chemical species in the TTL from the cloud to... 08/09/2008 : 11:00 - 11:00
13:11 Seasonal persistence of northern low and middle latitude anomalies of... 08/09/2008 : 11:00 - 12:00
17:31 Long-range transport of black carbon in the tropical tropopause layer 08/09/2008 : 12:00 - 12:00
19:20 The connection of physical & theoretical chemistry with atmospheric sc... 08/09/2008 : 12:00 - 12:00
29:26 How well do we represent the processes affecting tropospheric composit... 08/09/2008 : 14:00 - 14:00
11:34 Future emission trajectories and plausible reduction strategies for bl... 08/09/2008 : 14:00 - 15:00
14:09 BREDOM: Using MAX-DOAS measurements for long-term observations of trop... 08/09/2008 : 15:00 - 15:00
16:39 Fumarolic activity from Andean volcanoes as a source of aerosols in th... 08/09/2008 : 15:00 - 16:00
13:17 Global CTM study of ozone changes associated with rising temperatures 09/09/2008 : 09:00 - 10:00
13:36 The effect of improved biomass burning emissions over Africa on the fa... 09/09/2008 : 09:00 - 09:00
13:13 Convective tracer transport and scavenging - parameterisation uncertai... 09/09/2008 : 11:00 - 12:00
18:33 Lightning-produced NOx (LNOx) in a Hector blow-up during SCOUT-O3 and... 09/09/2008 : 12:00 - 12:00
16:38 TROICA mobile observatory and intercontinental monitoring of the atmos... 09/09/2008 : 14:00 - 14:00
15:09 Comparisons of tropospheric hydrocarbons measured by ACE with chemistr... 09/09/2008 : 15:00 - 15:00
15:22 Long-term trend of surface ozone in background air in coastal southern... 09/09/2008 : 15:00 - 15:00
11:50 Monitoring of atmospheric composition using the thermal infrared IASI/... 09/09/2008 : 15:00 - 16:00
20:19 Understanding the relative importance of processes controlling troposp... 10/09/2008 : 09:00 - 09:00
18:05 Vertical and latitudinal differences of CO 2 seasonal variations obser... 10/09/2008 : 09:00 - 10:00
18:25 Observing tropospheric composition from space: Global successes, local... 10/09/2008 : 09:00 - 09:00
11:37 Near real time evaluation of GEMS global forecasts by ground-based dat... 10/09/2008 : 10:00 - 10:00
15:46 Satellite and ground-based remote sensing of carbon monoxide over Aust... 10/09/2008 : 10:00 - 10:00
16:20 Overview of 2-year continuous aerosol and gas measurements from the Hi... 10/09/2008 : 11:00 - 12:00
16:40 Measurements of air pollution and greenhouse gases from space using GO... 10/09/2008 : 11:00 - 11:00
14:57 Sim ulation cham ber investigations of secondary organic aerosol form... 11/09/2008 : 09:00 - 10:00
21:17 Photochemistry in and above ice and snow, and the impact on the atmosp... 11/09/2008 : 09:00 - 09:00
27:10 Different chem ical characteristics of prim ary and secondary marine o... 11/09/2008 : 09:00 - 09:00
18:59 Parameterization of the hygroscopicity and CCN activity of atm ospheri... 11/09/2008 : 10:00 - 10:00
16:50 Photosensitised uptake of nitrogen dioxide and ozone to humic acid con... 11/09/2008 : 10:00 - 10:00
33:20 Towards a more integrated representation of surface exchanges in atmos... 11/09/2008 : 11:00 - 11:00
17:30 Organic molecular compositions and temporal variations of summertime m... 11/09/2008 : 11:00 - 12:00
13:37 Oxidant and particle photochemical production processes above a south-... 11/09/2008 : 12:00 - 12:00
15:55 Laboratory studies of sea ice, frost flowers and snow as sources of re... 11/09/2008 : 14:00 - 15:00
13:17 Short-lived pollutants in the Arctic: Climate implications and possibl... 11/09/2008 : 14:00 - 14:00
33:31 After the fall: Consequences of combustion and dust aerosols in snow 11/09/2008 : 14:00 - 14:00
16:38 Global modeling of the oceanic source of organic aerosols: Primary and... 11/09/2008 : 15:00 - 15:00
18:17 Airborne measurements of aerosol properties during the Arctic haze sea... 11/09/2008 : 15:00 - 15:00
16:52 The transport and chemical processing of mercury and other pollutants... 11/09/2008 : 15:00 - 16:00
16:29 Reactive nitrogen partitioning and ozone production in the Mexico city... 12/09/2008 : 10:00 - 10:00
18:34 The GEMS European-scale regional air quality multi-model ensemble fore... 12/09/2008 : 11:00 - 12:00
14:07 Influence of anthropogenic compounds on dust iron solubility over the... 12/09/2008 : 11:00 - 11:00
17:37 Regional and global perspectives of megacity air pollution and its int... 12/09/2008 : 11:00 - 11:00
12:53 Impact of Mexico City on regional air quality from MOZART-4 simulation... 12/09/2008 : 12:00 - 12:00
16:01 PM gradients through regional, rural and urban areas in the Czech Repu... 01/08/2011 : 11:51 - 15:00